Aug 5, 2015

Simple Stories - Brand NEW We Are Family

I am incredibly happy to be sharing my first We Are Family layouts with you. This is an incredible collection combining a dark woodgrain with a bright rainbow of colors-- literally something for everyone! This versatile collection made it very easy for me to create family layouts. Here is the first:
The wood veneer in this collection is seriously the most awesome thing ever. And I love the die cuts in the shape and design of embroidery hoops.
I wanted to do a large water color title. So I brought out my watercolors and found matches to the colors in the collection.
Then I cut the word family (a Simple Stories cut file available on the Silhouette site) out of watercolor paper. I painted each letter a different color and then went over the whole thing with a water brush to blend the letters together.
For my second layout I focused on just two members of my family.
There are a ton of stitching elements in this collection so I machine stitched a border on my layout. I layered chipboard frames over all of my photos and I like that they seem to be hanging on a wall or in a photo gallery in this layout.
And seriously how awesome are the little wood veneer people?
So whether you are scrapbooking babies to grandparents and everyone in between, you will find this to be an incredibly versatile collection with so many elements to add the perfect little details to your projects!

Supplies Used:
We Are...Family Collection: 
Collection kit 4700
Simple Basics Kit 4701
Expressions Stickers 4703
Bits and Pieces 4729
Washi Paper Tape 4735
Chipboard Frames 4738
Wood Veneer 4741

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca this is BEAUTIFUL--I really love the pops of color on the dark wood!
