Oct 21, 2014

Playing with Paste

When I say "Playing with Paste," I am not talking your typical Elmers glue. Although that can be plenty fun too! No, I am talking about modeling paste. My latest obsession. Playing with modeling paste is such an easy technique that results in a real wow factor. Just check out this layout I made with the Scrapbook Circle October Kit On This Day.

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See the card on the left? The Yesterday Today Tomorrow one? I created that raised effect with modelling paste! Here is what you will need to create your own fun three dimensional element. Modeling Paste, a pallette knife, paper and a stencil or template.

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Simply lay your stencil over your paper. If you are working with a large stencil you may want a bit of repositionable adhesive to hold it still, but for this small size I was able to hold it still myself. Start applying the paste on the open areas of the stencil.

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Decide how much of the image you want to include. I decided to used the entire thing, but I could have easily left off the border if I chose to. Use a thick covering like frosting a cookie. I dont mind a little texture in the strokes, but I like to make sure there is full coverage.

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Then carefully pull up the stencil.

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And let dry! I trimmed around my card and adhered to my layout. Just look at that dimension and texture!

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it is dry you could mist or add paints, but I liked the plain white. Ever played with paste before?