Jun 25, 2012


So I took a much needed, even if unexpected, break from blogging. We were thoroughly caught up in the whirlwind of end of the school year, beginning of summer, birthday, holiday activities. Seriously it has been Cuuuuuuuraaaaazy. And now I am in the heat of summer activities and madly creating for CHA. Yay! All good fun stuff :)
At the end of May, the little Dude had an end of the year carnival party.
Then Little Miss lost a top tooth:
next, they added a weekly private lesson to their karate schedule--check out that high leg kick!
In June, Little Miss turned SEVEN. Eek. Seven sounds so big!
They went to Build a Bear (thanks to Nona and Pop Pop!)
Nona came out for a visit:
 Little Miss tested for her blue belt and passed!
and the little Dude graduated from Pre-K! (oh and wore his first tie ;) )
finally, just yesterday, Little Miss had her best friends over to swim and celebrate her birthday.
Phew! Now I am ready to sleep for about 100 hours straight. Just kidding, now I am ready to burn the midnight oil getting all these photos onto layouts ;)
But before I go, I do have some big exciting news. Starting in August when both kids are in school full time, I will be working at Scrapbook.com! I will be doing lots of cool behind the scenes stuff and I get to design with their Kit of the Month. This month's kit is called Noteworthy and I LOVE it:
Scrapbook.com has some fun challenges for using the kit. One is to make a monochromatic layout, here is my blues:

and this one is based on the sketch they provided:
For this one I really wanted to use the cute fireworks stamp. So I stamped using Tim Holtz ink multiple times and poured embossing powder over each image. I heat embossed them all and I love the look in real life:
I believe some kits are still available, so go check it out!
Thanks for stopping by and making it through all those photos! Hope you and yours are having a happy summer!
♥ Rebecca


  1. whew! looooooove the update in photos. your photos are always so awesome! congrats to all the kids' accomplishments and congrats to you for you new upcoming exciting scrapbook . com adventure. how FUN!!! as always, i love your lo's! creative and cute and fun. :)

  2. I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO know exactly where you are coming from! Sometimes I think June is busier than Christmas!! Love all your projects! You kiddo pics are awesome, and love reading about your updates! Take a breather soon and enjoy your summer :)

  3. wow! you have been BUSY!! :) Okay--TOTALLY loving these layouts SO fun that you are scrapping for them AND working at their warehouse! :)

  4. those eyes just kill me. they make me melt. that is so cool about those karate layouts. i wish we had classes like that here.

    love 'em, sista lou!
