Thursday night I spent several hours in the emergency room. Wait... let me back up.
Little Miss received a tub of Legos for her birthday. It is the first set either kid has ever seen. They were enough to make a little house and a few little people jumping rope and they came in a cute pink bucket. Little Man loved them too and built tall intricate towers. But the pieces were really small and we kind of worried about them in the hands of our two crazy and not always great decision making children. Then they started dumping them all over the place and even throwing them up in the air. They were everywhere, all the time. So we decided to quietly pack them away during one nap time until they were better with playing with them. Weeks went by and luckily no one even noticed their absence.
Fast forward to Thursday evening. The two monkeys (we often call them the BoBos from GoDiegoGo) went upstairs after dinner and we heard raucous play but no one was crying so we let them be. A little bit later they came down and Little Man started complaining that his nose hurt. It looked a little runny and he is a big baby about things like that so I figured that was all it was. A few hours went by and I even put him to bed. After about 2 hours he woke up crying. I went up to try and calm him down and he was getting upset enough that I thought he might throw up so I turned on the light and took him out of his crib. He was sitting in his comfy chair and I was on the floor in front of him and I suddenly got just the right angle and light and noticed something orange and strangely shaped up his right nostril. I called down to Scott to ask him to bring up a flashlight. When he asked why I barked, "Because I think he has a flippin' Lego up his nose." With the flashlight it was immediately obvious that yes, indeed he did have a lego in his nose. I rushed him to the ER at the hospital where he was born, which fortunately is very close to our house. Scott stayed home with Little Miss who slept through the whole debacle.
After waiting for 2 hours for a room, a nurse wrapped his arms in a pillow case and his body in a sheet and we held him down while the doctor inserted a thin straw which inflated a tiny balloon behind the "obstruction" and pushed it out of his nose. After the hours of waiting and worrying the procedure maybe took 2 minutes. They checked to make sure there weren't any others up there or in any other facial orifice and sent us home. He slept the rest of the night and was fine, other than a little extra tired, the next day. Now that the ordeal is over I can laugh. I mean, how did he find this one teeny, tiny, little lego after the rest had been packed away? And when he did find it why was his first thought, "hmmm, look what I found, I think I need to stick this up my nose"? After telling everyone we ran into on Friday about the ordeal in attempts to shame him into never considering it again, I have found that this is very common, especially for boys.
Fortunately, our weekend was uneventful. We did some swimming, especially at night when the temps are dropping to a cool 107 ;) We watched some movies. We went to the outdoor mall and the kids played in the splash pad. Hope everyone else's weekend was pleasant too.
Before I go, I just want to share some of the things I worked on this weekend. I had bought these Sassafras papers and had not cut into them yet. I just love the patterns and the fun summery colors.

How funny, Rebecca!
ReplyDeleteWhen my dd stuck a popcorn hull up her nose a month or two ago, I tried tweezers to get it out and all it did was push it up higher! I was totally freaking out! Finally I got her to hold the other side of her nose shut and blow really hard and it came out. Phew! =) I think every kid does that! I have no idea why but I remember that my brother did that when he was little too. lol
Oh no!!! Why do little boys do that?!?! My lil bro stuck rocks up his nose on 2 different occasions and had to go to the ER. So hopefully your don won't want to try it again!
ReplyDeleteAnd I adore your layouts! The fruit are adorable - a must have! And I love your take on the tag challenge!
NO! oh boy. i don't even know what comes over those boys sometimes, LOL! hopefully he got it out of his system. you little cutie is soooo cute! and it is so cool how you did the tags